Global report on neglected tropical diseases 2023

“Disruption as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to afflict longstanding and new programmes alike, while other entrenched issues have re-emerged in new and challenging ways. The global NTD community is also confronted with a changing, multi-dimensional funding landscape as donors reassess priorities and adapt to new ways of working, as well as… Continue reading Global report on neglected tropical diseases 2023

A new approach to medical entomology?

Ants don’t have a nose, but thanks to an abundance of olfactory receptors on their antennae, these tiny insects have an incredible sense of smell. Among other things, it helps them find prey, sort out friend from foe, and return to their colonies. A recent study suggests their sniffing prowess can be useful as an… Continue reading A new approach to medical entomology?

Mark your Calendar

The 9th PAMCA conference is scheduled for September, 2023. See you in Addis Ababa during the Pan Africa Mosquito Control Association annual conference. Submit abstracts at:


China was declared malaria free today. Congratulations to all who met the challenge and stepped forward to face such a monumental task and reached this milestone! The obligatory question is why is Africa nowhere close to being malaria free? Take out the Sahara and the Kalahari, however, and their sizes are comparable. Africa is three… Continue reading WHO DECLARES CHINA MALARIA FREE