Les émergences récentes de maladies à transmission vectorielle ont marqué un tournant en matière de santé publique, ces maladies affectant des territoires de plus en plus éloignés des zones endémiques. Cette situation tire son origine des changements environnementaux et de l’intensification des échanges commerciaux ou de voyageurs entre les continents. Le virus du chikungunya a été signalé… Continue reading LE MOUSTIQUE TIGRE CAPABLE DE TRANSMETTRE LE VIRUS DU CHIKUNGUNYA À DES TEMPÉRATURES TEMPÉRÉES

Dengue Outbreak in Peru

According to official reports, the death toll from the outbreak has risen to 248 as of June 16, while reported cases have surpassed 146,000. The situation caused the minister of health to step down. It is unfortunate that Dengue has returned to a region that had it under control for years. The full report is… Continue reading Dengue Outbreak in Peru

Three new malaria cases in the US. The first in two decades.

Although about 2,000 people infected with malaria turn up in the US health care system every year, those cases are all linked to travel outside the US. Neither those involved in the Florida cases nor the Texas case had traveled. That means in both states, the infection was acquired within US borders. There is no reason to… Continue reading Three new malaria cases in the US. The first in two decades.

Large Lyme Disease Vaccine

Lyme disease, a source of stress for hikers and outdoorsy types, may soon become less of a threat. A new Lyme vaccine is under development, and this week, its creators announced the start of a large-scale clinical trial. Click on the link for more information. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/large-lyme-disease-vaccine-clinical-trial-begins-in-us-and-europe-180980570/?utm_source=smithsoniandaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20220811-daily-responsive&spMailingID=47226522&spUserID=ODY0NTg2MjM3MzcyS0&spJobID=2301166052&spReportId=MjMwMTE2NjA1MgS2

What attracts mosquitoes?

Studying what mosquitoes are attracted to “gives us some really good clues about what mosquitoes are using to hunt us, and understanding what that is, is essential for us to come up with the next steps.” Details in the link below. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/19/world/mosquito-human-body-odor-malaria-scn/index.html

Malaria vectors are moving

Malaria vectors have spread southward expansion by 4.7 kilometers (nearly 3 miles) every year, and risen 6.5 meters (21.3 feet) in elevation each year. That’s further and faster than previous estimates which reported that across the board, terrestrial species were moving poleward by 1.7 kilometers (1.05 miles) a year and upslope by 1.1 meters (3.6 feet)… Continue reading Malaria vectors are moving

Durability of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in Ethiopia

Global malaria prevention and control programs depend almost exclusively on the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), manufactured with materials into which insecticide is incorporated or bound in some fashion to the fibers. They are meant to provide personal protection against malaria by serving as a physical barrier between human and vector and by repelling… Continue reading Durability of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in Ethiopia

Wind direction and proximity to larval sites determines malaria risk in Kilifi District in Kenya.

Studies of the fine-scale spatial epidemiology of malaria consistently identify malaria hotspots, comprising clusters of homesteads at high transmission intensity. These hotspots sustain transmission, and may be targeted by malaria-control programs. Here we describe the spatial relationship between the location of Anopheles larval sites and human malaria infection in a cohort study of 642 children,… Continue reading Wind direction and proximity to larval sites determines malaria risk in Kilifi District in Kenya.

Malaria Vectors Expanding Their Territory Almost 5 Km Annually

Malaria vectors have spread southward expansion by 4.7 kilometers (nearly 3 miles) every year, and risen 6.5 meters (21.3 feet) in elevation each year. That’s further and faster than previous estimates which reported that across the board, terrestrial species were moving poleward by 1.7 kilometers (1.05 miles) a year and upslope by 1.1 meters (3.6 feet)… Continue reading Malaria Vectors Expanding Their Territory Almost 5 Km Annually

¿Por qué han regresado los chinches de cama y cómo los podemos combatir?

Las chinches de cama han vivido en nuestras casas durante miles de años. Este pequeño insecto hemíptero es un ectoparásito que se alimenta de sangre humana y de otros animales como aves de corral, murciélagos o roedores. Hay dos especies que afectan a humanos: Cimex lectularius, más cosmopolita, y C. hemipterus más frecuente en trópicos… Continue reading ¿Por qué han regresado los chinches de cama y cómo los podemos combatir?